Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just great.

Today, so far, is dope.

So far I've eaten:
Two steak taquitos from 711
One Starbucks Doubleshot + Energy
One Starbucks Doubleshot
Taco Salad from La Salsa

...I think that's all. Just wanted to share.

Today at work was so chill. At last I picked up another D Sport mag, and it's off the racks. I was reading during work. I also traded shifts with a friend. The benefits of that was more hours and me not having to close. Today, three or four large groups came and watched a movie. When I mean large, I mean 25+. Yup. Also, new shirts, schedule, and paycheck. Cool more.

I recently just fixed (the heck) out of my college schedule. I'm so relieved and happy!! Excuse... YAY! No more gap and the new schedule seems so much better. Let's do it.

I guess I'm off to the gym, I know I should workout. Then again, I want to relax and watch things and I don't want to wait. Hahah, but I guess I must.

Oh yeah I forgot, yesterday was Paradox J's bday. Happy belated 'ol friend.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today was great.

Performed early, hung out with A, gym, practice, Dougs.

At last, according to D, I "finally know how to drive stick." I concur.

New pair of Nudies, finally, too.

School soon... work tomorrow morning.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's nearing.

Orientation was actually fun. Most of the time. I thought it'd be this and that, but it was alright, even cool. I had great times with Cuts and the new peeps I met. Especially, our roommate Frank.

Driving around in Ron's Suby was fun too.

Practice was cool.

Gym was great.

Chillin' as usual.

Batman tomorrow! Finally.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

It feels so good to be back!!!

Now seems like a good time to blog.

This has been my longest hiatus ever. I thought my "readers" would have said something to me. Things like, "where ya been?" or "why haven't you been blogging?" Truth is, honey, I've been busy and I haven't been up to it. So, here goes:


Word. Trust. Believe me.

I'm not going into detail because that would mean I'd have to dive to the bottom of the pool. Hopefully, as you may notice or not, my metaphors haven't left me. :] And on that note, Paradox is dim. So dim. Basically, I think I've lost it. Not the ability, but the drive, and that's crucial. Well, I'll let time alone to somehow "heal" Paradox; if he needs any healing at all.

Reminder: Paradox's birthday is on July 30th. He'll be 5. Yay!

Today is Thanksgiving at Church. If you don't know what that is, you may ask. This year, this time, it's so much different from how all my other years are. I don't want to get heart-to-heart right now, but I believe it's all part of growing up. Can I blame something? If I could, the world tainted me. Yet, come to think of it, who has it not?

Again, I stress, so much has changed in my life. I see things different now, I think different now, I act different now, I'm always busy, I'm always going here and there doing this and that -you get the gist. (No need to bore you with crafty descriptions. They're just for fun.) ((But if you don't get the gist, I fear for you....))

Ahh... I try to exhale the worries, and succeed a bit. I'm just going to take today as another day. For I know, it'll be grand.

That's all. I thought I was only going to enter a tiny blog. Heh, guess the blogger in me has reawaken. Peace out.