Sunday, September 30, 2007
Got it. ;-]
I hate stalling.... >:O
Plan to go to school really early tomorrow and drive around the parking lot. Learn where the balance point is. Sigh....
2007 Subaru Impreza 2.5
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Disappointed... somewhat.
Did assemble the new treadclimber for my mom, which felt like an accomplishment.
Now, should I go back to wrestling or become more serious in skateboarding?
Friday, September 28, 2007
People would say that I'm good at skating. I disagree. I say I'm okay at it. Its because I've been skating, on and off, for quite a great amount of years. Its just that, in those years, only a portion of them was I really serious. And basically, its because I try "crazy" or hard tricks, which I rarely get, but with enough practice and tries at it I end up getting them. So that's why people say I'm "good," when I always loose in S.K.A.T.E.
My hopes are already up for tomorrow. I'm going to the dealership to get a car. I'm going to -I've got to. I've waited for a while, maybe not as long as some, but I have done my time. Its not that I really need one, but its more than a want. If people lived my life the way I've been, they'd also agree that a car would help me out so much. So yeah, I'm bent on not seeing Sunday car-less, no matter the obstacles I have to face.
My blogs are becoming shorter now and I almost feel unfaithful to my it. Lol, so what? Later!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Just chillll.
So I've been learning how to drive a manual and its going pretty well. I know I'll get the hang of it, and perform well, soon. I'm gunning for that GC8. You'll see....
Today felt kind of slow. Kind of, weird. I didn't know what it was. But, I rushed (skated) to school today just to reduce the minutes I would be late. I ended up being five minutes late. Just to remember, and see, that we had a sub first period. She marked nobody late. Darns.
I saw a homie three times today and they were all at different and separate intervals. That's too much yo. Lol.
Tired from working out and hungry from not eating. Goodnight!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Past & Present
Didn't go to first period again today. LOL. The power of the whole block went out last night around 8ish o'clock pm. So, without electricity (the internet) I decided to sleep early. I ended up sleeping near 10pm. I planned to get Starbucks and be on time to first, but I woke up late again. I'm getting tired of that, I really am. What I do is wake up on time and then fall back asleep, and only wake up again too late. Well, if I had hurried a bit I would not have been that late, but that'd mean I'd have to skip breakfast. That wasn't possible. I was not about to sit in three straight classes with no food in my stomach. (That's also my alibi.) So, I got Starbucks instead of going to class.
In my gayest class, business, I pretended to go to the nurse, but what I really did was leave early. :] I played it so well, that I even started to feel uncomfortable. I always do that and I like it. But I don't like the dishonesty though. I'm afraid too. After seeing last year's latest report card, it showed that I had cut many classes many times. Actually and according to me, I doubt all of that is true, I think it was too much. Anyways, if it was true, then maybe going to the nurse doesn't totally excuse you in the classes you miss. Oh well... I'll try harder next time.
I'm super tired. Earlier, I was at my uncle's birthday get-together. It was fun bonding with family and giving them my senior portrait pictures. Now, I've got to get up early again and be at my cousin's house in the morning. We're going to the Chocolate Factory. And with that, I want to say, HAPPEE BERDEY ATE ANNE!!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I woke up around 5:30 am, my scheduled time, happy. Happy, because I woke up on time. But, that slowly ran way from my grip. I then woke up, again, at 7:05 am. Damn, right then I knew I'd be late. I was woken up by a phone call and it had been vibrating for a long time. It was Jereme, who gives me rides to better insure me arriving on time. (He's so sweet.) He asked if I was awake and I answered, "I just woke up." I told him I'd just get to school by myself and thanked anyways.
Already knowing I'd be late, I somewhat took my time. I showered and got dressed. My dad was surprised to know I was still at home and he quickly knew I was late. So, he gave me a ride. I asked him if he could call in for me. Then I just said to do it if he wanted to, and he didn't, haha. I arrived at school and he drove off. Contemplating whether or not I should walk into class after half of it has already passed, I decided not to. I called up Cut-master, because I had a feeling Neeks would drive him and I wanted to chill with people. They were going to go to McDonald's and I was quick to go along.
After picking up a few friends we went to McDonald's. I made a choice to call in for myself, impersonating my father. That made my conscience very guilty because I'm an honest person. I called outside and everyone was close to me. Luckily, I got the recorder. Which, we all know, is the easiest way to get away with calling in for yourself or somebody else. But, I made a huge, STUPID, mistake. This is what I said, "Hi I'm calling for my son, my name is Jero-" STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! I quickly hung up after that. How dumb! That shit was recorded and I said my name. The dumbest thing I've ever done. LMAO, it also the funniest. Everyone laughed at me. Geez, you had to be there.
Few minutes later I decided to give it another shot. I wouldn't call if it was any other time, but if I was marked unexcused for a class again, I'm eligible for truancy. I don't want that. This time, I had to talk to a live person. That sucked so much, I didn't want to lie, but I did. This was the dialog:
"Hi this is Mr. Alagay calling for my son ****** Alagay."
"Do you have his ID?"
"Yes, his ID is ********."
"And he's going to be out the whole day?"
"Yes, he's sick."
"And I'm talking to his father?"
"OK, thank you."
I also stuttered while speaking. Anyone who knows me could tell that that was me. I was ashamed of myself. That was so whack.
Feeling like I accomplished nothing, I walked back into McDonald's to buy Neeks and myself something. After that, we finally began to leave. Then, the next best, unexpected thing happened... my dad was coming up into McDonald's.
Oh my gosh! This shit was getting totally out of frame. First this and that, then I run into my dad! Excuse me... HAHAHAHAH! We all laughed. He laughed because he saw us and thought we were all skipping. My friends laughed because they know what I did. I laughed, because I know why they were all laughing, and I'm the master know-it-all. My father began to point at us saying, "Oh I caught you! You're not in class." Everyone said "No we don't have class." He pointed at me, "so just you." Laughs exited our systems again. I told him, "if the school calls, tell them I was sick." He agreed and then we all went our separate ways. Um, hello? Why didn't he go straight to work. He's supposed to after dropping me off. If he did, then we wouldn't have ran into each other and my conscience wouldn't have taken another swing. But, c'mon, I'm J. and I didn't trip. Everything was just so funny to be worried or paranoid. Gosh, the funniest thing that happened to me in a while.
During school, I learned that there were people who walked into class later than I would have. Now, I'm just going to go in. Forget the embarrassment, it'll still be a hoot.
That was the highlight of my Wednesday, hope you imagined it well enough to enjoy it as much as I did. :]
There were also other things that made my day even funnier, but let's just share the morning. Haha... you know who you are. Laughing out loud, goodnight.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Happy and content.
After I was dismissed from class, I went out with an 'old' friend. My good friend, who I call, Kski. Her and I haven't actually hung out together in almost a year. Very much a long time ago. To say the least, it was cool... but no thanks -it was fun! I had so much fun catching up and just haning out with her. Too bad we did this late because she's moving to San Diego this friday for college. We went to eat at Olive Garden and had a blast, I showed her my old hood, then we visited my homie, and then spent a little time at my house. With hip details all in between. During the past half year, I didn't keep in touch all that great with her. But, at least I was able to see her again. Better later than never. Take care of yourself Kski!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I... can't... believe... I... joined... Facebook.... I did, I really did. I'd always get requests and tell myself I don't want to join. But with information from Amy, I became convinced. I don't like it a lot, like I do Myspace, but it is pretty cool. But to me, its just another online profile. I don't know how many a person can have. For me, I guess there's a few; Myspace, blogger, ISS, eBay, Facebook... yup. Lol.
Hmm... not much writing today, I'm shocked. Its because I didn't do much today and/or I'm not remembering specific details that I'd like to share. Alright, goodbye.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Oh, the life.
Returned home after running my errands and chilled out. Took a little nap, little meaning short and not that long, and woke up cause I couldn't sleep anymore. I didn't even feel tired anymore either. Maybe it was a power nap? Did my chores and went to the senior bbq.
The bbq was pretty tight to me. I was surprised to how many seniors actually went. Like, all of them, basic majority, or the people who would socialize. And, in a way, its spectacular that we all know or have known each other. What was also cool is that people from the early high school years showed up. Seeing old homies still doing alright is always a good thing. I was having fun, without the substances of course. The party soon started to die out but it was still all good. I was talking and socializing with people (girls) that I haven't in a while or don't usually do at school. Its like, come Monday, its going to return to the normal way. See people you know or once known and that'll be it. But at the bbq, I saw them and talked, hugged, etc. To sum it up, it was a nice thing and I'd like it to happen again. Maybe in a house? Anything. All the '08 cliques were joined and it wasn't that much segregated.
After the cops made everyone split, Cutum and I went back to Irvin's. With the boys, we all played Halo 2. And yet again, I sucked. I'll always be the weakest link in that game, and that's fine with me. Its always fun to be with them, because we go back to freshman year. To infinity and beyond! ...Yeah, I'm down.
Gonna go chill out more because I have nothing to do. Probably lay on my bed and dream, and watch some reruns of That 70s Show. Or, stay online. Or, eat. Or, ...shut up. Haha, goodnight and talk to you later.
Oh yeah. I wore purple underwear today. Purple trunks, 98% cotton and 3% spandex. It made me feel sexy today.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I had no car to use this whole week. Relied on others and my legs to get me there and back. It sucked. Even though I do live close to school, most people don't know how it is walking up that hill. It'll take longer than expected when you're in a rush or trying not to be late. I missed first period again, on Tuesday, and was late a couple of times. It really looks bad to me when I'm late or miss a class. No longer is it "cool." The reason being, is because I have not been waking up on time or early enough lately. And why? Because I'm sleeping late. Hehe. I shall not worry, for I shall fix myself. ...And tomorrow I have a car so my chances of arriving on time will increase. I even receive motivation when I have my own transportation. Heck, I think I'm going to get Jamba or Starbucks in the morning. :D
So so far, the week has been good. Good times, fine times, alright times, cool times, etc. All of those mixed together. Also, since the beginning of school, I haven't had tons of homework on a single day. That makes me happy and worried that I should not jinx it. Lol. But yeah, that's super dope. Getting out of school early, chillin', and not having a lot of homework. I like it.
I had a great workout earlier. First, I went to Sears and bought formal/casual clothes. Two box sets of polo's and a tie, a 1/4 zip sweater, nice formal pants (Dockers), and trunks. Haha! Its so funny to me. Not swimming trunks, but underwear trunks. I got em because I wanted to try something new. And because, in a pack of two, one is purple. Purple underwear! Can you tell me anything more sexy on a guy? LOL. Yeah, I'm not shy to say that. Purple, or any out of the ordinary color, underwear is sexy -the bomb.
I finished season two of That 70's Show. Damn, I love that show. I so want to get season three now, but I don't want spend money on it just yet, even though its only $20. I'm super-saving up. So, I will get it soon.
Gots ta study and all that, you know how it is. Thanks for reading. Bye.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
C'est moi.
So, today was fun. Once again, to my dismay, I missed first period because I overslept. I woke up when my alarm rang, which was at 5:30 am and another one at 6 am. Then suddenly, I have a dream and wake up and its 7:43 am. Damn sizzles. Showered and got ready and all that jazz. Walked into second period a few seconds late. Oh yeah, I had to walk... :[ ...In my Visvims... ;[
Went to practice and was late -this seems to happen a lot... weird- and everyone was in the process of learning a new dance. I hopped in and watched, teaching myself. I caught on and, again, surprised myself of how well I was doing. And, a lot noticed the change in my physique. My muscles, that is.
After practice, I skated with few of the homeboys. I love skating. You can even call it my first love. A cool thing is, that I landed a few BS noseslides. A trick that I haven't been getting in a long time, and now its here. Yay!
Went to Eastridge with the family and shopped around. Finally got some v-neck shirts that I've been wanting to get for a while. Let's see if they work. Also saw a good friend and later talked to her on AIM too.
Few days ago, I finally made a decision to buy a That 70s Show season. I love that show and always have, but I've never gotten a season. Knowing my style, I always want to begin a collection with season one. But season one was not at Target so I got season two. Another reason why I never bought a season, was because they were expensive. Now they're $19.99 each. That's a good deal. So since then, my sis and I are hooked and I'm about to go watch some!
A future R.I.P. to my long-time and useful friend, Internet Explorer. I'm switching to Mozilla.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
School was good, had fun here and there. Homecoming practice was tiring. I'm actually practicing and not fooling around as much as I used to. I'm proud of that. And I'm going to really perform my best come the performance. Even though it may not even be needed.
I spent time with my two homies who, together, I haven't in a while. We bonded. I remember, on my 15th or 16th birthday, that three of us skated at school, and got chased by Mr. Rios. Ah, fun times. And that was the day I first landed my inward heelflip. Oh, the memories. I even landed a 360 flip today. Proud of myself I am.
I also worked on my photoshop skills. They're getting, maybe, better? I was always reluctant to use PS because I thought it was complicated. In fact, its not really.
Work out at the gym was great. I really pushed it and could see that my arms have gotten bigger. I worked out what I like to call "the bi's, tri's, shi's, and fi's." Haha. In translation, it means the biceps, triceps, shoulders, and forearms.
My right eyelid is swelling. Been a while too and its annoying me. So bothersome, it better go away soon.
And last but not least, my senior portraits came in. They're nice. And if you want a wallet, give me one in exchange. Holla!
So that's a run-down of today. Later.
Shizz I sported today...:
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
The End of the Road
I've come to a decision. Its going to be difficult, but I'll try like I always do -my hardest. The steps to getting over her is effected immediately.
I was going to make a post listing the memories I had. It was going to be a poem even. But, its not necessary at the moment. Like in the song above, which I hope you listen to because it sets the tone better, "I'll take the memories to be my sunshine after the rain." I'll remember the good times we had and I'll remember the bad times. I'll never forget her and I hope she never forgets me.
You were and still are a big part of my life. No matter how bumpy the roads were, and they haven't flatten yet, its not enough to separate me from you. I'll keep you as a friend, what I guess we were meant to be. I'll keep in touch with you as best as I can too. I'll always care for you and I'll still pray for you. Who knows, maybe we'll still have our spark in the future... well then we'll just have to keep it gangsta and find out what will happen. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. You will always be Bittersweet to me. Thank you for everything.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Today was... alright.

My PS skills are improving.
Thank you to all the friends I have that have taken the time to ask me what happened. Much love. G'night.
Monday, September 3, 2007
My Room: (No particular order.)
The first place I was conscious in was, of course, my room. I wanted to try and watch a movie, so I opened my DVD player. There was already a DVD in there because I always leave DVDs in there after finishing. The DVD was Disc Two of Monk Season One. Like all the reminders, it hit with a shock. I let her watch all the Monk seasons. I think I even introduced her to that show. And that particular disc was in there because I was watching it again to remember her. The morning was sluggish, I was idle. I looked at my rhyme book, she gave that book to me. I went on the computer, it was a medium for communication. I looked at my shoes, there was a pair we got to match. I looked at a Premier bag that I pinned on the wall for decoration and there was a little bit cut off it, I used that piece of paper to make a little card and tied it onto a sunflower that I placed on her desk, for her to discover, on Valentine's morning. I looked at my hats, hanging on my wall, there's a Bittersweet Fitted, I bought because it'd be sentimental. Also, on that wall is a picture of her, a picture of us, and a picture she drew of us. I looked in my closet at my clothes, I know which ones she's seen me wore. I look at my mirror, she looked at it before too. I look on top of my drawers and there is a book of Sudoku and nose strips, she introduced me to both of them. I looked at my DVD collection, remembered the movies we watched together; when, where, and why. I, still, see York mints on my desk, she bought me them and I never ate them all. And I looked at more folded clothes, saw the shirt she despises the most.
The Middle Level:
The Kitchen brought memories. We ate there, hung there, etc. I had been on the phone talking to a friend and was about to sit on a couch in the formal room. I stopped myself, because her and I used to sit there, sleep there, and play games there. I looked at the wall mirrors, and again, we used to look at them at the same time. The section with the table, reminded me of when we spent time there. We used to wrestle there too. A lot reminded me here, I just can't remember them all.
Same to everything. Even memories in the garage.
Eastridge Mall:
I went with my sister and I went alone. I watched Bourne Ultimatum because I've been dieing to see it. We were supposed to watch it one day, but it didn't follow through. I watched alone. And again, there are countless reminders that were given from the mall. The stores, the food, etc.
Its just so hard when you were so close. I've never missed her so much. I went back in our history and relived times. Whether at my place, her place, and everywhere in between. I remembered times. Yeah, its sad and yeah, you can say I'm going through the phase. But, I have a feeling its not over. I'm not letting go. I remember all the things I gave her and all the things I was planning to give her. I remember so much, but don't remember every little reminder that came to me today. And also, what's sad, is that her birthday is coming up. I hoped that I would've been there as I was, but I'll just be there as I am now. And, the haters are happy. So oh well.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
As I started my dad's truck, about to drive to the gym, the radio was on an unknown station. So I changed it to 106.1. The song U Got it Bad by Usher played, right at the chorus. It slapped me. The exact words playing were, "U got it, u got it bad/If you miss a day without your friend, your whole life's off track..." That line related to me. I wanted and tried to spend each day with her. No matter what time. Before school, during school, after school, weekends, summer days, it was nonstop. When we spent time together each day of a week I was overjoyed. I didn't want to spend time with friends, just her. She was always opposed to that, but it was fine with me.
I always missed her. From the beginning... to now. That feeling was new to me. I never missed any girl before. When someone and I departed, I never couldn't wait to see her again. But this one, I did. Always, all the time. Its serious. The word miss, as in 'I miss you,' never fulfilled this feeling I had of missing her. I always wanted to find a word that meant something like; extremely missing a person. I never took the time to, until now. I couldn't find anything that seemed to be exactly what I was looking for but the best I could come up with is the word yearn. I guess that's it. "I yearned to be with her again." "After dropping her off, I yearned to pick her up in the morning." I guess it works, but there's gotta be a better word.
I thought about times I had with her again. Each day I used to replay the day I had with her all over again in my head. To enjoy it again. Evaluate it. Feel happy. One time I sang Nice and Slow to her, by Usher, but I remixed it. It was fun. It was a while ago.
I have an image that my friends are not a stranger to. I can be really emo, yet keep it all cool. I also have the image of a hip-hopper/sneaker head/etc. But within all those, I can squish in emo-ness. Its funny, actually. As if I'm a cool person that is really sad inside. Ironic and funny. Though its not really a part of me, I just get sad at times. I've had sad days before, I've been through mine. Ever since I was a little kid, I was exposed to sadness. As the years passed it reoccurred. And until the point I grew up a little, maybe I was a pre-teen, I learned to accept it. Accept things that make me down and just leave them alone. Let them go and get over them. I had enough practice it became easy to me, and stayed with me. That skill, if you can call it one, played roles in my "relationship." It made things clear. I don't become emo on purpose, it just happens. Again, its funny to me.
Neosporin doesn't work.
I have no regrets with her. But, the one thing I wish would've happen or would've been given to me was a last hug. Don't even need a last kiss or anything else. No last movie, no last dinner, no last whole day hangout. Just a last hug would suffice. For five seconds, ten seconds, just enough time to grasp and squeeze for the last time. To remember and leave something to remember. I tell you, its really sad.
My day yesterday was bittersweet, and it pains to say that. It was bitter because it happened yesterday. It was "sweet" because I wrote a new verse and spent time with my crew. I needed homie love. I made a great verse. Great because it came nowhere else but my heart and captured enough meaning. At first I wrote a verse about my current problems and wanted to make a solo track. While hanging with the peeps, Socrates came up with the idea to use this beat. Born Blessed came up with the idea to use these verses. My verse sucked for it, but the new one was perfect. So, yesterday I laced it. I recorded it. You'll hear it soon.
Now, I may be off to workout at the gym. I haven't been there in days because I've been working on my music. I'll channel my sorrow there.
I'm an honest person and I always try not to lie, so check this out; I teared while writing the second paragraph.