School was good, had fun here and there. Homecoming practice was tiring. I'm actually practicing and not fooling around as much as I used to. I'm proud of that. And I'm going to really perform my best come the performance. Even though it may not even be needed.
I spent time with my two homies who, together, I haven't in a while. We bonded. I remember, on my 15th or 16th birthday, that three of us skated at school, and got chased by Mr. Rios. Ah, fun times. And that was the day I first landed my inward heelflip. Oh, the memories. I even landed a 360 flip today. Proud of myself I am.
I also worked on my photoshop skills. They're getting, maybe, better? I was always reluctant to use PS because I thought it was complicated. In fact, its not really.
Work out at the gym was great. I really pushed it and could see that my arms have gotten bigger. I worked out what I like to call "the bi's, tri's, shi's, and fi's." Haha. In translation, it means the biceps, triceps, shoulders, and forearms.
My right eyelid is swelling. Been a while too and its annoying me. So bothersome, it better go away soon.
And last but not least, my senior portraits came in. They're nice. And if you want a wallet, give me one in exchange. Holla!
So that's a run-down of today. Later.
Shizz I sported today...:
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