Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Today was fun.

I woke up and ended up not test driving any WRXs with Marlowe. Another time.

I started my morning off by hanging out a bit with Janet. I had errands to run and asked her to come along and she did. We went to the library, because I needed to, and found out that it wasn't going to be open for another two hours. That sucked a bit. Then, we went to Lucky and got things. After that, we drove around looking for a yard sale so I could get a wooden piece of furniture, for art, but found nothing. And then, I dropped her home. Thanks for kicking it Janet!!

When time came close to 2PM, I swooped up Marv and we went to Kuya Dylan's house. His house is nice and so are his friends. It was cool to hang out with him after not seeing him for a really long time. We all went to Gold's Gym and worked out. Gold's Gym is much more sophisticated in bodybuilding than the Y is, because it has way more things than the Y does. Its also cheaper monthly, but far from home. Marv and I had to go so we bounced.

We made it to practice by a hair and Marv was hyper. I'm thankful that we made it. :]

After practice, Marv and I went back to Kuya's and ate dinner; they barbecued for us. And, we also watched the Warriors Vs Lakers game. Tonight was also the first time I ever played Rock Band, its a sweet game. After all the bonding ended, Marv and I went home.

I was on 101 about four times today and none of those times did I do less than 75. Haha.

I sure used 'after' and 'then' quite a bit in this blog.

I'm so sore... and tired, as always. I've got work tomorrow so I better head. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Stepheezy said...

loser i texted you to go out.