Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just great.

Today, so far, is dope.

So far I've eaten:
Two steak taquitos from 711
One Starbucks Doubleshot + Energy
One Starbucks Doubleshot
Taco Salad from La Salsa

...I think that's all. Just wanted to share.

Today at work was so chill. At last I picked up another D Sport mag, and it's off the racks. I was reading during work. I also traded shifts with a friend. The benefits of that was more hours and me not having to close. Today, three or four large groups came and watched a movie. When I mean large, I mean 25+. Yup. Also, new shirts, schedule, and paycheck. Cool more.

I recently just fixed (the heck) out of my college schedule. I'm so relieved and happy!! Excuse... YAY! No more gap and the new schedule seems so much better. Let's do it.

I guess I'm off to the gym, I know I should workout. Then again, I want to relax and watch things and I don't want to wait. Hahah, but I guess I must.

Oh yeah I forgot, yesterday was Paradox J's bday. Happy belated 'ol friend.


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