Wednesday, August 6, 2008

1:00 AM

For the past three nights, I've been coming home after, at, and close to 1 AM.

All this talk about living it up, living your life to the fullest, you only live once, etc. is consuming me, or starting to. I think this feeling or thought is inevitable. Now, that I'm young, at my age I witness it more among my peers. Shall I conform? The principle is noble, but I believe my life has boundaries, or it should have. Maybe there's a way I can still live the best of both worlds. Or, is it even that easy? Test.

LL is coming up, props to my boys. Its unfortunate how my skill has, I guess, died. I miss it direly. I was raw. No doubt about it. And I know that if I try hard enough, I can get it back. But life has made me preoccupied with other things. I hope one day, I revive the name Paradox; even though people still spit it like its the shit.

Tired. Performing tomorrow morning. Goodnight. Creatine slurp....

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